It’s 2023, Can We Have Less Shit Language Around Autism Please?

So I was reading some articles about genetics, in preparation for a future blogpost about autism and evolution, that might prove too difficult for me and I might have to scrap it, cursing my hubris at attempting to write a blogpost that was too difficult for me. But anyway, I encountered a lot of articles … Continue reading It’s 2023, Can We Have Less Shit Language Around Autism Please?

Autism Expertise Disorder, A Terrible Affliction That is Stalking Our Lands

Hello, today I think it is about time I talked about a terrible condition that is affecting a large percentage of the population. This condition is called Autism Expertise Disorder. I can’t abbreviate it to A.E.D because that is already automated external defibrillator, so, let me just check, could I use the P in expertise, … Continue reading Autism Expertise Disorder, A Terrible Affliction That is Stalking Our Lands