So What About That Whole Need For Sameness Thing?

Part 5 Of My "What Is Autism" Series So it’s finally time to write my blogpost on the concept of “Need For Sameness”, an issue many autistic people have. And before I write my autism blogposts, I typically have a very, very naive notion in my head. And that notion is, “This blogpost is going … Continue reading So What About That Whole Need For Sameness Thing?

What if Neurotypicals (Non-Autistics) Were Stigmatized the Way Autistic People Are?

Originally Posted to Facebook On April 18th What would the world look like if being neurotypical had the same stigma attached to it that being autistic has? What if autistic people were the majority, and they had a similar negative understanding of being neurotypical that many people have towards autism currently? I thought it would … Continue reading What if Neurotypicals (Non-Autistics) Were Stigmatized the Way Autistic People Are?

The Term Neurotypical Isn’t All That Great, But We Need It For The Time Being

I wanted to talk about the term neurotypical. Some people who might be described as neurotypical have objected to the term, and I actually understand their reasons for feeling that way, but I’m going to argue that for now we need to use that term, but hopefully in time it can be replaced with something … Continue reading The Term Neurotypical Isn’t All That Great, But We Need It For The Time Being