I Have Absolute Pitch. Eh, It’s Alright I Suppose

So, years before I realized I was autistic, and years before I was diagnosed with autism, I found out I was actually neurodivergent in another way. That is, I have absolute pitch. So, does this give me a massive advantage when it comes to music? No. Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your … Continue reading I Have Absolute Pitch. Eh, It’s Alright I Suppose

The Other Side Of Stereotyping Autistic People, We Are Not the Friggin’ X-Men!

So, is autism a superpower? Is it even, the next stage of human evolution? No it isn’t. Thanks for reading. Oh alright then, I suppose I’ll have to elaborate. Autism has been pathologised for as long as it has been known to exist, often thought of to be as bad as potentially fatal diseases even … Continue reading The Other Side Of Stereotyping Autistic People, We Are Not the Friggin’ X-Men!

Why Do Our Differences Require An Explanation?

There is a certain rapper who the young kids may not remember called 50 Cent. He had such songs as, eh, I don’t know, because I don’t remember his music either. In 2016, he started ridiculing an airport worker who was just doing his job, and at the revelation that the worker was autistic, 50 … Continue reading Why Do Our Differences Require An Explanation?

How I Concluded That Self Diagnosis Is Valid

Part 6 of My “What Is Autism” Series So in the autistic community there is this thing called self-diagnosis, it’s not accepted by all autistic people, but it is slowly being accepted by a lot more people than it was. Self diagnosis is simply doing research on autism, and talking to other autistic people, and … Continue reading How I Concluded That Self Diagnosis Is Valid

So What About That Whole Need For Sameness Thing?

Part 5 Of My "What Is Autism" Series So it’s finally time to write my blogpost on the concept of “Need For Sameness”, an issue many autistic people have. And before I write my autism blogposts, I typically have a very, very naive notion in my head. And that notion is, “This blogpost is going … Continue reading So What About That Whole Need For Sameness Thing?

Why Research On Autism Is Still In the Dark Ages

Part 4 of My “What Is Autism” Series So, given that it’s the Twenty First Century, and humanity has progressed so much technologically, why do we still have such a poor understanding of what autism is? Well, part of it is that our understanding of the human brain in general is in its infancy, because … Continue reading Why Research On Autism Is Still In the Dark Ages

So, What Is It Actually Like To Be Autistic?

First posted to Facebook on April 16th Hello all, this is, to the best of my ability, my attempt to describe what it is like to be autistic. I can’t say for certain that other autistic people experience these things, or even that neurotypical people don’t experience these things, but I thought it might be … Continue reading So, What Is It Actually Like To Be Autistic?