I Can’t Let Anything Go, Repeating My Failed Cycle In the Hope of Succeeding This Time

So if you’ve read my previous cycling blogpost: https://autismneurodiversity.wordpress.com/2023/01/22/my-only-unsuccessful-cycling-trip/ You’ll know that I could not let the fact that there was one cycle I didn’t complete go. It was like my white whale, except, you know considerably safer than chasing a white whale. I was going to repeat the cycle, taking a lot more rests … Continue reading I Can’t Let Anything Go, Repeating My Failed Cycle In the Hope of Succeeding This Time

The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains

I’ve been cycling to the Nagle Mountains since the year 2014. And I found this mountain range by sheer chance. One day I was just looking around places to the north of Cork city on Google Maps, and to my surprise there was a mountain range there, that I had never heard of, and that … Continue reading The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains