Even A Minute Matters, Why We Shouldn’t Give Up On Gaza, Even Though It’ll Feel Hopeless At Times

Note: As I was writing this I became aware that I was spelling Nehenyahu's name wrong, but I'm not going to change it and spell it correctly, because he deserves far, far worse than the indignity of having his name spelled wrong. We all knew it was going to be a massacre when Israel went … Continue reading Even A Minute Matters, Why We Shouldn’t Give Up On Gaza, Even Though It’ll Feel Hopeless At Times

Ireland Stood Up For Justice Before, And There’s No Reason Why It Can’t Do So Again

So the Eurovision is over, a contest I've never really had any interest in. But funnily enough, this year, 2024, would have been the first time I ever watched the Eurovision, but I didn't. The reason my interest was piqued this year was because of Ireland's entry for this year. Firstly, the Irish entry, Bambi … Continue reading Ireland Stood Up For Justice Before, And There’s No Reason Why It Can’t Do So Again