Iceland, My Favourite Place That I’ll Probably Never Visit Again

Mt Esja seen over the water from Reyjkavik In July 2009, I spent a wonderful week in Iceland, staying in the capital city of Reyjkavik but also getting out to see the amazing countryside. It wasn’t long before I was planning in my head to go on another trip there of at least two weeks, … Continue reading Iceland, My Favourite Place That I’ll Probably Never Visit Again

Summer Make Good, Soothing and Scary Sounds From Iceland

Iceland’s folk music has to a large extent, been lost to history. In Ireland, or Scotland, Norway, Hungary or Bulgaria, it’s easy enough to find examples of those country's folk songs to listen to. Sadly, this is not the case with Iceland. However, Iceland has done something different, that many countries have not managed to … Continue reading Summer Make Good, Soothing and Scary Sounds From Iceland