The Return Of Dr Ravi Saavol

Note: I’m afraid this is going to be one of those posts where you need to read a previous one for context, so you should probably read this previous one first before you get going on this one: Or if you’re feeling adventurous, why not start straight into this one even though you will … Continue reading The Return Of Dr Ravi Saavol

It’s 2023, Can We Have Less Shit Language Around Autism Please?

So I was reading some articles about genetics, in preparation for a future blogpost about autism and evolution, that might prove too difficult for me and I might have to scrap it, cursing my hubris at attempting to write a blogpost that was too difficult for me. But anyway, I encountered a lot of articles … Continue reading It’s 2023, Can We Have Less Shit Language Around Autism Please?

What if Neurotypicals (Non-Autistics) Were Stigmatized the Way Autistic People Are?

Originally Posted to Facebook On April 18th What would the world look like if being neurotypical had the same stigma attached to it that being autistic has? What if autistic people were the majority, and they had a similar negative understanding of being neurotypical that many people have towards autism currently? I thought it would … Continue reading What if Neurotypicals (Non-Autistics) Were Stigmatized the Way Autistic People Are?

Autism Expertise Disorder, A Terrible Affliction That is Stalking Our Lands

Hello, today I think it is about time I talked about a terrible condition that is affecting a large percentage of the population. This condition is called Autism Expertise Disorder. I can’t abbreviate it to A.E.D because that is already automated external defibrillator, so, let me just check, could I use the P in expertise, … Continue reading Autism Expertise Disorder, A Terrible Affliction That is Stalking Our Lands