My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

11th May 2017, Carrigadrohid Castle. I think this is probably the best non-astronomy drawing I ever did. Full discloser, I can’t actually spell Carrigadrohid. Many instances of me writing the word in this blogpost will be me copying and pasting the word. It’s possible by the end of the blogpost I will know how to … Continue reading My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains

I’ve been cycling to the Nagle Mountains since the year 2014. And I found this mountain range by sheer chance. One day I was just looking around places to the north of Cork city on Google Maps, and to my surprise there was a mountain range there, that I had never heard of, and that … Continue reading The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains