Vocal Stimming: The Sound Of Autistic Joy

“The Analogy Of the Goblin Guest!” “The Shadow Of the Demon Lord!” “Roches Stores!” So what do these phrases have in common? What analogy is this goblin fellow trying to make? Is someone trying to summon some sort of demonic entity? And what has a supermarket that was a mainstay of Patrick’s Street for decades … Continue reading Vocal Stimming: The Sound Of Autistic Joy

What I Thought Autism Was (And It’s Part of The Reason I Went Into Denial.)

Part 2 of my "What Is Autism?" Series Content Warning: Descriptions of the unfortunate opinions I used to have on autistic people while I was in denial about my autism status. I'm not proud of these opinions now but nevertheless this is what I thought at the time. I got my autism diagnoses in 2010, … Continue reading What I Thought Autism Was (And It’s Part of The Reason I Went Into Denial.)