It’s 2023, Can We Have Less Shit Language Around Autism Please?

So I was reading some articles about genetics, in preparation for a future blogpost about autism and evolution, that might prove too difficult for me and I might have to scrap it, cursing my hubris at attempting to write a blogpost that was too difficult for me. But anyway, I encountered a lot of articles … Continue reading It’s 2023, Can We Have Less Shit Language Around Autism Please?

Why Do Our Differences Require An Explanation?

There is a certain rapper who the young kids may not remember called 50 Cent. He had such songs as, eh, I don’t know, because I don’t remember his music either. In 2016, he started ridiculing an airport worker who was just doing his job, and at the revelation that the worker was autistic, 50 … Continue reading Why Do Our Differences Require An Explanation?

So What About That Whole Need For Sameness Thing?

Part 5 Of My "What Is Autism" Series So it’s finally time to write my blogpost on the concept of “Need For Sameness”, an issue many autistic people have. And before I write my autism blogposts, I typically have a very, very naive notion in my head. And that notion is, “This blogpost is going … Continue reading So What About That Whole Need For Sameness Thing?

Why Research On Autism Is Still In the Dark Ages

Part 4 of My “What Is Autism” Series So, given that it’s the Twenty First Century, and humanity has progressed so much technologically, why do we still have such a poor understanding of what autism is? Well, part of it is that our understanding of the human brain in general is in its infancy, because … Continue reading Why Research On Autism Is Still In the Dark Ages