Iceland, My Favourite Place That I’ll Probably Never Visit Again

Mt Esja seen over the water from Reyjkavik In July 2009, I spent a wonderful week in Iceland, staying in the capital city of Reyjkavik but also getting out to see the amazing countryside. It wasn’t long before I was planning in my head to go on another trip there of at least two weeks, … Continue reading Iceland, My Favourite Place That I’ll Probably Never Visit Again

A Hard Cycle Back From Corrin Hill

Content Warning: Anxiety and Panic Attacks In 2019, a few weeks before I did the most difficult cycle I ever did, I talk about that here: I did a cycle to Corrin Hill that was quite difficult. (It was the cycle back from Corrin Hill that was difficult, not the cycle to Corrin Hill, … Continue reading A Hard Cycle Back From Corrin Hill

The Devin Townsend Concert Of December 2019, It Cured All Of My Sorrows

Content Warning: This won’t just be a concert review, I’ll also be talking about issues related to anxiety and depression. “Ah, that’s a hyperbolic title,” you must be thinking. “It was a really good concert sure, but surely not enough to pull you out of feelings of sadness.” “Surely this, “progressive metal”, as you young … Continue reading The Devin Townsend Concert Of December 2019, It Cured All Of My Sorrows

How Physical Exercise Helps My Mental Health

Content Warning: Fears of health problems, disease, and death will be discussed. I’ve had some degree of health anxiety all my life. I remember reacting with fear to what turned out to be fairly trivial symptoms since at least I was a teenager. But from the latter part of 2012 to the first few months … Continue reading How Physical Exercise Helps My Mental Health

A Spooky Halloween Blogpost! (About Having An Anxiety Disorder)

So given the night that it is, I have been entertaining the idea of doing a blogpost about horror films, and why I like them despite being an anxious person. But, something may have changed in that regard. Let me explain. So, usually on Halloween night I’ll do something Halloween related, by which I mean … Continue reading A Spooky Halloween Blogpost! (About Having An Anxiety Disorder)

The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains

I’ve been cycling to the Nagle Mountains since the year 2014. And I found this mountain range by sheer chance. One day I was just looking around places to the north of Cork city on Google Maps, and to my surprise there was a mountain range there, that I had never heard of, and that … Continue reading The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains