Do You Find Something Comical About My Appearance When I Am Cycling My Bike?

As I get older, I am noticing more and more people have what I call a Simpsons deficiency. About twenty years ago, everyone would have gotten what the title of this post was a reference to. But now, things have changed, too many people are Simpsons deficient. And if you’re thinking, that awful show that’s … Continue reading Do You Find Something Comical About My Appearance When I Am Cycling My Bike?

My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

11th May 2017, Carrigadrohid Castle. I think this is probably the best non-astronomy drawing I ever did. Full discloser, I can’t actually spell Carrigadrohid. Many instances of me writing the word in this blogpost will be me copying and pasting the word. It’s possible by the end of the blogpost I will know how to … Continue reading My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

The Boatiest Cycle I Ever Did

You’ve read about the hardest cycle I’ve ever did (assuming you’re read my other blogposts, it was presumptous of me to assume that but I did it anyway.) Then, in what may have been the most anticlimatic way of putting out blogposts ever, you read about the second hardest cycle I ever did, then the … Continue reading The Boatiest Cycle I Ever Did

The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains

I’ve been cycling to the Nagle Mountains since the year 2014. And I found this mountain range by sheer chance. One day I was just looking around places to the north of Cork city on Google Maps, and to my surprise there was a mountain range there, that I had never heard of, and that … Continue reading The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains