Places of Interest


Something that has always given me a strong sense of calm, and often a strong sense of wonder, is seeing something that is very far away. Being on top of a hill, or a mountain, and seeing a far off village, or town, or other mountain, that might take as…

My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

11th May 2017, Carrigadrohid Castle. I think this is probably the best non-astronomy drawing I ever did. Full discloser, I can’t actually spell Carrigadrohid. Many instances of me writing the word in this blogpost will be me copying and pasting the word. It’s possible by the end of the blogpost…

My Favourite Hellscape

Not Safe For Humans Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a furious deathworld of extremely deathy death! So, I’ve explained that this sketch is associated with extreme hellishness, so what do you think it is? It’s the planet Venus. I realized Venus was out…

Saturn, the Second Best Planet In the Solar System

I remember, and I don’t believe I’ll ever forget it, my first time seeing Saturn through a telescope. There was a small light in the sky, and I wasn’t sure what it was but I thought I’d point my telescope at it, maybe it was Saturn. I looked at the…

The Easiest Cycle I Ever Did

So I cycled fifty metres down the road to test if the breaks were properly set up. And that was the easiest cycle I ever did. I hope you enjoyed this blogpost, have a nice day. Oh okay, I suppose to not make reading this post a complete waste of…

The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains

I’ve been cycling to the Nagle Mountains since the year 2014. And I found this mountain range by sheer chance. One day I was just looking around places to the north of Cork city on Google Maps, and to my surprise there was a mountain range there, that I had…

Jupiter, The Planet Where Loads Of Stuff Happens

Okay, technically, more stuff doesn’t happen on Jupiter than on Saturn, Uranus, or, what’s the other greenish one, the one with the lions, oh yeah, Earth, but because Jupiter is so big, and relatively (I really stress reletively!), near, you can see a lot of interesting stuff there. So join…

The Most Moderately Difficult Cycle I Ever Did

I’ve talked about the most difficult cycle I ever did: At the risk of being anti-climatic after that, I talked about the second most difficult cycle I ever did: Now, at the risk of being even more anti-climatic again, I am going to talk about, the most moderately difficult cycle…

One Of My Favourite Walks

Come along to my happy place and enjoy the journey. Smell the flowers, meet the animals, see everything there is to see and just experience the quietness and beauty of the area. Come along on the Fuschia Walk.

The Coolim Cliffs, One Of My Favourite Places Ever

So the weather was scorching today, and I thought the Coolim cliffs would be a good refuge, after all, they’re called the Coolim Cliffs, not the Hotim Cliffs. I never feel guilty about this kind of nonsense, ever. Now that that unpleasantness that is admittedly my fault is behind us,…

The Year Mars Got Really, Really Big

2020 was a great year for me, one of the best years of my life in fact. Now, if you’re reading this in the far future, you’re probably thinking, what year was that, was that Brexit, which Marvel film came out that year, or was that the year the United…

Messier 92, An Old Classic Of Astronomy, Emphasis On Old

So it was a clear night last night, though there was a very bright moon. Though one lesson astronomy has taught me repeatedly, even when I won’t listen, is take what you can get! You’ll like a clear night with a bright moon much better than you’ll like a moonless…

The Great Cluster of Hercules

Isn’t This The Cutest Globular Cluster You Ever Did See? So it was a clear night last night, and knowing I might not get another clear night for a while, I went into the shed and dragged out my ten inch telescope. Then I got my pencils and sketch pad,…