Cycling Adventures

Am I Getting Older Or Are the Hills Just Getting Steeper?

Okay it’s probably best to humour me. So you could say: “No Colm, you’re as physically fit as you were five years ago, those mean old hills played a trick on you. And I know you’ll still be a cycling superstar fifty years from now!” Why aren’t you saying that?…

My Fears And Hopes For 2024

2023 was a strange beast of a year. It marks some of the best experiences of my life, but also, if not the worst experiences, at least some very bad ones. So I don’t know what this post will be like, I’m thinking it might lie somewhere between coherent and…

A Hard Cycle Back From Corrin Hill

Content Warning: Anxiety and Panic Attacks In 2019, a few weeks before I did the most difficult cycle I ever did, I talk about that here: I did a cycle to Corrin Hill that was quite difficult. (It was the cycle back from Corrin Hill that was difficult, not the…

My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

11th May 2017, Carrigadrohid Castle. I think this is probably the best non-astronomy drawing I ever did. Full discloser, I can’t actually spell Carrigadrohid. Many instances of me writing the word in this blogpost will be me copying and pasting the word. It’s possible by the end of the blogpost…

How Physical Exercise Helps My Mental Health

Content Warning: Fears of health problems, disease, and death will be discussed. I’ve had some degree of health anxiety all my life. I remember reacting with fear to what turned out to be fairly trivial symptoms since at least I was a teenager. But from the latter part of 2012…

My Only Unsuccessful Cycling Trip

Before I start I hear you saying, (Yes, I can hear you, but that’s not the subject I want to talk about today.) “How do you even define an unsuccessful cycling trip? If you grew as a person during the trip, wasn’t that a successful trip? If you made some…

The Boatiest Cycle I Ever Did

You’ve read about the hardest cycle I’ve ever did (assuming you’re read my other blogposts, it was presumptous of me to assume that but I did it anyway.) Then, in what may have been the most anticlimatic way of putting out blogposts ever, you read about the second hardest cycle…

The Easiest Cycle I Ever Did

So I cycled fifty metres down the road to test if the breaks were properly set up. And that was the easiest cycle I ever did. I hope you enjoyed this blogpost, have a nice day. Oh okay, I suppose to not make reading this post a complete waste of…

The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains

I’ve been cycling to the Nagle Mountains since the year 2014. And I found this mountain range by sheer chance. One day I was just looking around places to the north of Cork city on Google Maps, and to my surprise there was a mountain range there, that I had…

The Most Moderately Difficult Cycle I Ever Did

I’ve talked about the most difficult cycle I ever did: At the risk of being anti-climatic after that, I talked about the second most difficult cycle I ever did: Now, at the risk of being even more anti-climatic again, I am going to talk about, the most moderately difficult cycle…

The Second Toughest Cycle I Ever Did

My brain is being overactive, much like the Duracell bunny, so I’ve decided to do another blog post, even though my last blog post was yesterday. This is on the second most difficult cycle I ever did. So why did I do my first cycling blogpost on my toughest cycle?…

The Toughest Cycle I Ever Did

I’ve been big into cycling since 2014. It begun when I sprained my ankle, and I was terrified to run on my ankle for a few months, afraid the injury hadn’t fully healed, I decided to get into a new method of physical exercise, and that was the bike because…