The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains

I’ve been cycling to the Nagle Mountains since the year 2014. And I found this mountain range by sheer chance. One day I was just looking around places to the north of Cork city on Google Maps, and to my surprise there was a mountain range there, that I had never heard of, and that … Continue reading The Twentieth Cycle to the Nagle Mountains

Jupiter, The Planet Where Loads Of Stuff Happens

Okay, technically, more stuff doesn’t happen on Jupiter than on Saturn, Uranus, or, what’s the other greenish one, the one with the lions, oh yeah, Earth, but because Jupiter is so big, and relatively (I really stress reletively!), near, you can see a lot of interesting stuff there. So join me (figuratively, no offence, but … Continue reading Jupiter, The Planet Where Loads Of Stuff Happens

The Most Moderately Difficult Cycle I Ever Did

I’ve talked about the most difficult cycle I ever did: At the risk of being anti-climatic after that, I talked about the second most difficult cycle I ever did: Now, at the risk of being even more anti-climatic again, I am going to talk about, the most moderately difficult cycle I ever did. Yeah, I’m … Continue reading The Most Moderately Difficult Cycle I Ever Did

The Coolim Cliffs, One Of My Favourite Places Ever

On today’s visit to the Coolim Cliffs the weather was absolutely scorching, and the sea was an amazing blue. So the weather was scorching today, and I thought the Coolim cliffs would be a good refuge, after all, they’re called the Coolim Cliffs, not the Hotim Cliffs. I never feel guilty about this kind of … Continue reading The Coolim Cliffs, One Of My Favourite Places Ever

The Year Mars Got Really, Really Big

11th August 2020. First attempt at sketching Mars at opposition. At least I captured the ice cap, but I would learn a valuable lesson, pastel pencils are good for sketching many things, but not Mars, they are not good for sketching Mars at all! Although this sketch is kind of adorable it lacks the detail … Continue reading The Year Mars Got Really, Really Big

Messier 92, An Old Classic Of Astronomy, Emphasis On Old

Saw this much detail even with a bright moon spoiling my fun! So it was a clear night last night, though there was a very bright moon. Though one lesson astronomy has taught me repeatedly, even when I won’t listen, is take what you can get! You’ll like a clear night with a bright moon … Continue reading Messier 92, An Old Classic Of Astronomy, Emphasis On Old