Seeing the Nagle Mountains Through New Eyes, And Hearing It Through New Ears

I only just came back, just under two hours ago, from a cycle to the Nagle Mountains. So, today I'm going to try something interesting. Usually my cycling blogposts about a specific trip don't get written until, at the soonest, a day later, and at the latest several years later (partly because I didn't yet … Continue reading Seeing the Nagle Mountains Through New Eyes, And Hearing It Through New Ears

Am I Getting Older Or Are the Hills Just Getting Steeper? Corrin Hill On A Beautiful June Day Okay it’s probably best to humour me. So you could say: “No Colm, you’re as physically fit as you were five years ago, those mean old hills played a trick on you. And I know you’ll still be a cycling superstar fifty years from now!” Why aren’t … Continue reading Am I Getting Older Or Are the Hills Just Getting Steeper?

A Most Excellent Cycle To Kilcrea Castle And Ballincollig Regional Park

The weather is getting better and it’s time to get out a lot more. This time of year can actually be a bit bittersweet for me, because I have quite bad travel anxiety. During the Winter I don’t mind not traveling anywhere, because, it’s Winter. I think, like many people, the thought of going more … Continue reading A Most Excellent Cycle To Kilcrea Castle And Ballincollig Regional Park

Do You Find Something Comical About My Appearance When I Am Cycling My Bike?

As I get older, I am noticing more and more people have what I call a Simpsons deficiency. About twenty years ago, everyone would have gotten what the title of this post was a reference to. But now, things have changed, too many people are Simpsons deficient. And if you’re thinking, that awful show that’s … Continue reading Do You Find Something Comical About My Appearance When I Am Cycling My Bike?

A Most Pleasant And Relaxing Cycle To Bridgetown Priory, Except For That Hill Where I Thought I Might Conk Out

April 2017 was a great month for my cycling. I was working in a place where I only worked Monday to Wednesday, so what I would often do was, get up early on the Thursday, go on an adventure, and have a three day weekend to recover from my excursion. Luckily the weather was good … Continue reading A Most Pleasant And Relaxing Cycle To Bridgetown Priory, Except For That Hill Where I Thought I Might Conk Out

A Hard Cycle Back From Corrin Hill

Content Warning: Anxiety and Panic Attacks In 2019, a few weeks before I did the most difficult cycle I ever did, I talk about that here: I did a cycle to Corrin Hill that was quite difficult. (It was the cycle back from Corrin Hill that was difficult, not the cycle to Corrin Hill, … Continue reading A Hard Cycle Back From Corrin Hill

My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

11th May 2017, Carrigadrohid Castle. I think this is probably the best non-astronomy drawing I ever did. Full discloser, I can’t actually spell Carrigadrohid. Many instances of me writing the word in this blogpost will be me copying and pasting the word. It’s possible by the end of the blogpost I will know how to … Continue reading My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

How Physical Exercise Helps My Mental Health

Content Warning: Fears of health problems, disease, and death will be discussed. I’ve had some degree of health anxiety all my life. I remember reacting with fear to what turned out to be fairly trivial symptoms since at least I was a teenager. But from the latter part of 2012 to the first few months … Continue reading How Physical Exercise Helps My Mental Health

I Can’t Let Anything Go, Repeating My Failed Cycle In the Hope of Succeeding This Time

So if you’ve read my previous cycling blogpost: You’ll know that I could not let the fact that there was one cycle I didn’t complete go. It was like my white whale, except, you know considerably safer than chasing a white whale. I was going to repeat the cycle, taking a lot more rests … Continue reading I Can’t Let Anything Go, Repeating My Failed Cycle In the Hope of Succeeding This Time