I Have Absolute Pitch. Eh, It’s Alright I Suppose

So, years before I realized I was autistic, and years before I was diagnosed with autism, I found out I was actually neurodivergent in another way. That is, I have absolute pitch. So, does this give me a massive advantage when it comes to music? No. Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your … Continue reading I Have Absolute Pitch. Eh, It’s Alright I Suppose

The Other Side Of Stereotyping Autistic People, We Are Not the Friggin’ X-Men!

So, is autism a superpower? Is it even, the next stage of human evolution? No it isn’t. Thanks for reading. Oh alright then, I suppose I’ll have to elaborate. Autism has been pathologised for as long as it has been known to exist, often thought of to be as bad as potentially fatal diseases even … Continue reading The Other Side Of Stereotyping Autistic People, We Are Not the Friggin’ X-Men!

Why Robert Kennedy Jr Would Be A Disaster For Autistic People

So recently somebody brought to my attention that Robert Kennedy Jr, nephew of John F Kennedy, is running for president. My first thought was, “good, someone other than Trump or DeSantis might be the next president”. And I can see why at first glance he might be an appealing choice. He’s a Democrat, and while … Continue reading Why Robert Kennedy Jr Would Be A Disaster For Autistic People

In Defence of “Simple Jack”, Why I Love Tropic Thunder

In 2008 a film called Tropic Thunder came out, and it is one of my favourite films. It was such a brilliant satire of so many things that are wrong with Hollywood. However, the film was very contraversial at the time, and still so today. There were many controversies with the film, but the one … Continue reading In Defence of “Simple Jack”, Why I Love Tropic Thunder

Why Do Our Differences Require An Explanation?

There is a certain rapper who the young kids may not remember called 50 Cent. He had such songs as, eh, I don’t know, because I don’t remember his music either. In 2016, he started ridiculing an airport worker who was just doing his job, and at the revelation that the worker was autistic, 50 … Continue reading Why Do Our Differences Require An Explanation?

Poor Planning, Hubris, And A Forest I Hope Never To Return To

So it was 2015, I’d been cycling for over a year, and I wanted a new adventure. I found something that peaked my interest on Google maps. About twenty miles north of where I lived, on the left hand side of the road was Glenagear wood, and on the right hand side was Corran mountain, … Continue reading Poor Planning, Hubris, And A Forest I Hope Never To Return To