A Joyous Encounter With An Orange Legged Furrow Bee

https://imgur.com/eRpAtAq This one right here. Most of my photography wildlife trips take me to the Glen River Park. It's quite near my house, so I don't even have to bike over there, just a short walk. It's a wonderful, though neglected place. Neglected because there is constantly kids setting fire to the gorse, and the … Continue reading A Joyous Encounter With An Orange Legged Furrow Bee

The Somewhat Long Winded Story Of How I Got Really Into Bird And Bug Photography

Note: In order to save on costs I've had to start uploading all relevant images outside of WordPress. For reasons that have me completely stumped, and when I say that I mean I've spent hours trying to fix the problem, the images, which I feel are an integral part of this post, simply refuse to … Continue reading The Somewhat Long Winded Story Of How I Got Really Into Bird And Bug Photography

A Most Excellent Cycle To Kilcrea Castle And Ballincollig Regional Park

The weather is getting better and it’s time to get out a lot more. This time of year can actually be a bit bittersweet for me, because I have quite bad travel anxiety. During the Winter I don’t mind not traveling anywhere, because, it’s Winter. I think, like many people, the thought of going more … Continue reading A Most Excellent Cycle To Kilcrea Castle And Ballincollig Regional Park

Iceland, My Favourite Place That I’ll Probably Never Visit Again

Mt Esja seen over the water from Reyjkavik In July 2009, I spent a wonderful week in Iceland, staying in the capital city of Reyjkavik but also getting out to see the amazing countryside. It wasn’t long before I was planning in my head to go on another trip there of at least two weeks, … Continue reading Iceland, My Favourite Place That I’ll Probably Never Visit Again

Seeing An Asteroid For the First Time

The Asteroid Vesta, For Some Reason It Looks Like A Satellite, Astronomy Sketching Can Be Weird Sometimes I’ve seen many types of astronomical objects over the years, galaxies, open clusters, globular clusters, and a small few nebula. I’ve seen craters on the moon with hills inside them. I’ve seen the surface of Mars. I’ve seen … Continue reading Seeing An Asteroid For the First Time

A Most Pleasant And Relaxing Cycle To Bridgetown Priory, Except For That Hill Where I Thought I Might Conk Out

April 2017 was a great month for my cycling. I was working in a place where I only worked Monday to Wednesday, so what I would often do was, get up early on the Thursday, go on an adventure, and have a three day weekend to recover from my excursion. Luckily the weather was good … Continue reading A Most Pleasant And Relaxing Cycle To Bridgetown Priory, Except For That Hill Where I Thought I Might Conk Out

My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

11th May 2017, Carrigadrohid Castle. I think this is probably the best non-astronomy drawing I ever did. Full discloser, I can’t actually spell Carrigadrohid. Many instances of me writing the word in this blogpost will be me copying and pasting the word. It’s possible by the end of the blogpost I will know how to … Continue reading My Only Non Repeating Cycle, To the Wonderful Carrigadrohid Castle

The Devin Townsend Concert Of December 2019, It Cured All Of My Sorrows

Content Warning: This won’t just be a concert review, I’ll also be talking about issues related to anxiety and depression. “Ah, that’s a hyperbolic title,” you must be thinking. “It was a really good concert sure, but surely not enough to pull you out of feelings of sadness.” “Surely this, “progressive metal”, as you young … Continue reading The Devin Townsend Concert Of December 2019, It Cured All Of My Sorrows

The Andromeda Galaxy, We Only Have 4 Billion Years To Get Out Of The Way

16th November 2023. Look at it there threatening to kill our very distant descendants, BOOOOO!!! So, it looks like your very, very distant descendants are in for a very, very bad time. Because the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy are going to collide in 4 billion years time. So unless they have the … Continue reading The Andromeda Galaxy, We Only Have 4 Billion Years To Get Out Of The Way