So Why Does My Blog Look Better All Of A Sudden?

So anyone who’s been reading my blog for a while will probably notice that it looks a lot more organized and professional, like it’s gotten a serious upgrade. Because I’m new to blogs, I asked my cousin and friend Oisín O’ Mahony to help me with the buisiness of making the blog better to look at and more user friendly. I’d like to take a minute to thank Oisín for giving such valuable help and advice with the blog, and if you’re interested in some of his work here are two blogs that he works on:

If you are interested in G.A.A, you may be interested to learn that it’s actually quite big in Germany. Here is the Cologne Celtics website which Oisín writes for:

Oisín has also worked on the Spirit Of Mother Jones Festival website, which deals with human and labour rights and social and environmental justice:

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